Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Grief Observed

A good friend gave me this book and said it would help, I was able to get through the forward, and the introduction... noting comments that described how I am feeling. When I got to the first chapter of the book I got through the first page before I had to put it down because I was sobbing... It described what I am feeling... My worries, my pain, my concerns. I had to put the book down to compose myself before continuing... but once again I broke into sobs... As I was trying to calm myself down I realized I was simply trying to put into words how I was feeling. That is how I am dealing with this pain... through words. I don't pretend to be overly eloquent, but I have always loved the beauty of literature, and while K was the half with the broader vocabulary, there is something so calming to me in the written words expressing how one feels.

I have had comments on my blogs and on FB about how I need to keep up with the writing, and it is how I can cope. I can see why C.S. Lewis wrote this book... it was his way of coping... and in return, by publishing it, it has helped others.

K would read 3 to 4 books a week, from a wide range of topics and authors... although he never understood my love of the classics. I think it is because they took more time in describing their feelings on matters, rather than simply moving the plot along.

I hope perhaps someday I can help people heal through my writing, but until then I simply write to help me to cope. I have since calmed myself down, and will finish reading the book a little at a time... it is such a comfort to see someone deal with their loss in the same way as I do... through writing.


Sean said...

I just started reading A Grief Observed. My therapist suggested it after she read some of my writing. I have read the first chapter at least 5 times because it is exactly what I'm feeling. I almost want to memorize C.S. Lewis' words.

Allison said...

I think I read it to soon after I lost him... I need to read it again when it is not so fresh. I remember thinking through that whole first chapter how it was so exactly how I felt... then the next two chapters I remember thinking I was not quite there yet... but I could see me getting there.

I think I have reached the point of the second chapter... but still not where he is in the third chapter.

Of all the books on grief out there, that has been the most helpful, I think because it was written while he was still grieving.