Saturday, November 13, 2010


I am at a complete loss for words, however writing has always been a comfort for me, so I am trying this. I want to thank all my friends and family for the continued support and love shown to us, I know we will need it more than ever. K and I knew we were meant for each other the day we met. We met sluffing school, and I had offered him a ride home. A former boyfriend offered me a ride after and insisted on taking us both, after much argueing I finally agreed and tried to have him drop me off first, when that failed, I sat in the back seat. When we got to K's house I jumped out through my arms around him and gave him the biggest kiss I could, and told him I loved him and I would see him tomorrow. He went in and told his sister he met the girl he was going to marry. (I had my doubts about this, until I found her old journal and found it written that K had said this, and she was going to have to check this girl out) We had many arguements about the exact date it was we met, and I learned then I should never question K on dates and numbers, because he was right... I had save the ticket stub from the wrestling match we had sluffed.

We dated steadly for a year and a half before we got married. Most of you know the reason for the young marriage, he is our wonderful son B... K said B is our perfect mix, he got all mine and all K's best qualities. In our dating we attended 3 school dances together, Sweethearts, and my jr and senoir girl's pref. We had plans for going to both Prom and senior dinner dance, however K was accident prone (luv ya babe, I am teasing) and K suffered through the ballet with me for prom because he had just had knee surgery and obviously couldn't dance, so My mom got us tickets to the ballet, box seats so there was plenty of room for K's leg to rest. We had plans for senior dinner dance but K decided he preferred the Hospital for some major leg surgery.

He liked to be involved in every aspect of planning the wedding. AS a girl I had my wedding planned for years... but at the wedding planners when asked what are my colors he piped up PURPLE, when I looked at him, he just shrugged and said I thought it was my favourite colour. So we picked out all the napkins, and invites and everything with purple. When I got the bridesmaid dresses I realized the lighter color purple matched better than the dark napkins we choose, and with out telling him just called and switched. I never thought her would noticed and approved it without him. The wedding day he was so mad that they had messed something up, I had to hurry in and tell him I did it... he had just wanted it perfect.

When we got engaged (it was no romantic engagement story) but he insisted on getting me a ring... but he was soooo excited about the baby too I had to tell him I wanted a Ring first to make the marriage real before he could buy baby clothes.

There are so many wonderful memories of K I just don't even know where to go next. He was so generous with everything he had. I remember being late to many a movie because he had to help someone stranded on the road. He would literally give you the shirt off his back, He would by bags of groceries for hungry families, and stop to help anyone he saw had a need. When we were tight for Christmas some years, it always bugged him he couldn't help more. It was usually those years we would go to the roadhouse homeless shelter and give his time.

He was always my strength. I don't think he ever realized how much I needed him. But I also fear he didn't realize how strong I could be for him. He tried to do everything on his own. He was a private person. We would gets inarguements over it... he liked our business, our business... and hated asking for help. I don't think he realizes how many people loved him and would give him the shirt off his back.

He loved his children above all else. B was his best friend, if someone called to hang out or go watch a fight, he said he'd preferr to go fishing with B. He described B best saying he was the best of both of us. He was so proud of him, never missed an opportunity to brag about what a man he is becomeing. T was and ALWAYS will be his princess. She was his little girl, he could rarely say no to her... until she became a teenager and he saw the boys looking at his princess. He loved how she longed to understand things and would questions until she got the concept... sometimes a five minute help with homework turned into a 3 hour discussion... he loved that about her. W is his little piggy... we gave her the name when she was born and it has stuck. K loved how she was never afarid to do her own thing... she would search out new friends ANYWHERE we went. She always puts her everything to what ever she does and never gets discouraged, but is brave enough to try again. He admired that in her. C, he would joke that he was the favorite, but he loved them all soooo much. C is all boy. He loves to be tough like his dad, but he is our cuddler and loves to make everyone happy like his dad too.

It doesn't make it easier, but I think K knew something may happen. He talked to me about making sure the kids knew he loved them, and doing family things was important. He mentioned random things about when he died recently as well. We always were so glad we got married young, we knew we would last forever because we grew up together, the part I am having trouble with is the fact that we were suppose to grow old together.

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