Thursday, May 26, 2011


This is the current scenario I am disliking most. I feel I am getting by okay, things are going well, then the kids come home and have had a tough day. I hate that our bad days can't match, but then I think they may be tougher, because I would have to comfort even in my grief. But I hate that the fact that other kids at school, or church talking about their father's upsets them. They should remember they had a dad who loved to be with them, and I know that is tough that he is no longer here, but I think they need to realize some of these kids talking about it are from divorced homes and they ARE excited about seeing them... not just saying it to hurt them.(At least I hope that is the case, not that they are mean spirited kids who would say that just to hurt)

Now I do totally understand that jealousy aspect, I am jealous when people say they are going shopping with their mom, or their mom is watching kids. Or that it is their date night with their husband... my date nights consist of which of my girlfriends are free, or which of my kids aren't too sick of me.

I think I just needed to vent on be half of my kids. I hate seeing them in pain, it almost makes my pain intensify. There are so many times a day I think I wish He was here, just to talk to, I wish I could hear his opinion on this, I wish he were here to help with this. I just wish he was here.

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